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Year 11 Media Studies

Summer Examinations


J200 (01)

Television and Promoting Media


J200 (02)

Music and News

Students are encouraged to develop their understanding of media terminology through the creation of flash cards to define key terms. Students can then use their flash cards to help them to develop their analysis of media products. In addition, students will be set tasks on Quizlet (through “Show My Homework”) to aid in their recall of key media content.

As part of Paper 2 content, students will be given newspaper and magazine extracts which may not be familiar to them. As part of independent revision, students should be accessing a number of different types of newspaper and music magazine to deconstruct and analyse the content. Students could use a “9-box grid” to analyse each extract using a specific section for each aspect of media language.

Exam Preparation

In term 4, students will be given revision booklets which have been designed by their teacher to focus on the key areas of exam study. There will be individual tasks in the booklets. Students will be set tasks via “Show My Homework” each week where they are expected to complete a particular section of the booklet. Students can use their revision guides as well as the helpful websites listed below to help them to complete these tasks.

Additional Support Sessions
The department will be running additional support sessions on Wednesdays between 4:15pm – 5:00pm.

Revision guides

Revision guides are available for purchase on WisePay.

  • My Revision Notes – OCR GCSE 9-1 Media Studies - £9.28