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  • Children's Mental Health Week

    Published 05/02/24

    This week we are supporting Children's Mental Health Week.  The theme this year is 'My Voice Matters' and the aim is to give all children the tools to be able to express themselves providing a better sense of community and self-esteem.  Assemblies will be delivered to all students this week as well as activities in tutor time.

    We are also celebrating LGBTQ+ this week and this will also be covered during tutor time.

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  • Corby Technical School students look forward to next steps after excellent GCSE results

    Published 25/08/23

    There was a buzz of excitement at Corby Technical School today, as students celebrated their GCSE results and looked forward to their further education plans.

    The students were among the first since Covid-19, to sit their GCSEs under proper exam conditions.

    Angela Reynolds, Principal at Corby Technical School, said: “I am so proud of each of our students today who have achieved some fantastic results that are richly deserved.

    “These achievements are a true testament to the remarkable work ethic and dedication displayed by our students and staff. Celebrations were rightly in order, and I was delighted to be a part of them this morning.

    “It is always a joy to witness the growth of students during their time with us, and I look forward to working with many of our students as they join our Sixth Form. Thanks also go out to the families of our students, who work closely with the school to support our young people in their studies throughout their time with us” she added.

    Students were supported by staff to make decisions on their next steps – many will join the sixth form, and others are pursuing apprenticeships including Bosch and Formula One Autocentres.

    Mrs. Reynolds added: “Our year 11 students have been wonderful role models for our younger students, and we continue with setting high aspirations for our next cohort, as they move into the final year of their GCSEs.

    “Finally, I’d like to thank our fantastic teachers and school staff, who have supported and motivated our students throughout.”

    Andy Burns, Chief Education Officer (Secondary) at Brooke Weston Trust said: “I’m delighted for our students and their families, as they celebrate today. These GCSE results are a testament to the commitment they’ve put in over the last two years, supported brilliantly as always, by our wonderful staff across the Trust. They embody our core value of ‘’Ambition For All’ and I am immensely proud of them.

    “Given the significant disruption to learning that this year group has faced (since starting secondary school), these achievements are particularly impressive, and we should take a moment to recognise this within this context.”

    The Corby Technical School Sixth Form provision has recently been expanded to accommodate a greater range of options for its students.

    To find out more about Corby Technical School, please visit:

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  • Year 12 Geography Field Work Trip

    Published 28/06/23

    Year 12 students recently visited Liverpool. Students studied various aspects of Geography relevant to their A-level syllabus which will prepare them for the non-examined assessed coursework element of the course. They learnt a number of fieldwork techniques in order to collect data to test theory.  The piece was written by students Lexi, Emily, Finlay, Sam and Jakub.

    As a student of A-level geography, one of the most exciting and rewarding parts of the curriculum is the fieldwork that is required. Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in a fieldwork trip to Liverpool and Formby, where I was able to observe and analyze both human and physical geography in action.

    In Liverpool, we were able to explore the city's waterfront, where we studied the impact of urbanization on the environment. We examined the development of the city's docks and the impact this had on the natural ecology of the area. We also analyzed the impact of tourism on the city, looking at how visitor numbers have increased over the years and how this has affected the local economy.

    But it was our trip to Formby that really brought the physical geography of the area to life. Formby is a beautiful coastal town located just north of Liverpool, and we spent a day exploring the sand dunes and beach. We studied the formation of the sand dunes and how they are shaped by the wind and the tides. We also looked at how the dunes support a unique ecosystem of plants and animals, including the rare Natterjack Toad.

    One of the most interesting aspects of our fieldwork was the opportunity to use a range of data collection techniques to gather information. We used digital technology to monitor climates, photography, and even looked at ph of the dune material to collect data on the physical features of the area. We also conducted surveys and interviews to better understand the impact of human activity on the environment.

    Overall, the experience was incredibly valuable, both in terms of deepening our understanding of the topics covered in the curriculum and in developing our skills in data collection and analysis. It was also a great opportunity to work collaboratively with our classmates and other students from the trust schools and to apply what we have learned in the classroom to real-world situations. I am grateful for the opportunity and look forward to future fieldwork trips.

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  • Year 9 Options Evening

    Published 20/03/23

    We will be holding our Options Evening on Wednesday 5th April with sessions at 4.30pm and 5:45pm.  This will be an opportunity for you to learn about the process of choosing options, as well as an opportunity to speak with staff across all subjects to gain an understanding of the courses on offer.

    A letter will be sent to all Year 9 parents/carers with further details shortly.


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  • Year 11 Now and Next Event

    Published 24/02/23

    As part of Corby Technical School’s dedication to ensuring students are furnished with all the relevant skills and information to thrive in their academic studies this year, we are offering parents/carers of Year 11 students an opportunity to find out more about ways in which you can support your child at this important stage of their school life.

    On Tuesday 28th February we would like to invite you into school to discuss a number of ways in which you can support your child with revision and life beyond GCSE exams.

    As part of the evening, you will receive the following hard copies of materials to help support you with your child’s revision:

    • Choices at 16+ pack

    • Exam Booklet

    • Revision Booklet

    • Weekly Revision Planner

    The session will begin at 5.30pm and you will hear from staff about how to support your child with revision in the three core subjects (Maths, English and Science), as well as information on general revision skills that apply to all subjects and the process of considering post-16 provisions.

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  • Sixth Form Open Evening 2023

    Published 27/09/22

    Our Sixth Form Open Evening will take place on Thursday 12th October at 5.30pm. Please email to reserve your place.

    We look forward to seeing you on the night.

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  • A Level Results Day 2022

    Published 26/08/22

    Corby Technical School, part of the Brooke Weston Trust, are celebrating an impressive set of A-Level results this year. 

    Students are set to follow a variety of ambitious pathways including university and apprenticeships. Many of this particular cohort are technically minded and will pursue courses in Gaming Production, Motor Sport Engineering, Civil Engineering, Biological Sciences and Physics. 

    Angela Reynolds, Headteacher at Corby Technical School said: “We are extremely proud of our Year 13 students who achieved amazing results today. They have worked extremely hard, completing their examinations following a challenging few years. 

    “It is always a pleasure to be part of the journey of our students as we witness them moving onto ambitious careers and we have no doubt that they all have bright and successful futures ahead of them.

    “Thank you to our teachers and school staff who have supported the students along the way and thank you to parents and carers for your support over the years.

    “Most importantly, thank you to all our students for allowing us to be part of their journey and we hope you return to Corby Technical School to share your successes and inspire our future school leavers.”

    Significant achievements include those of:

    Dylan who achieved an A in Computer Science, a C in Engineering and a Distinction* in Creative Digital Media Production who will continue his studies in Gaming Production at De Montford University.

    Macauley who achieved fantastic results and is going on to study Biological Science at the University of East Anglia.

    Ethan who is going on to study Motor Sport Engineering and Jalal who is going on to study Civil Engineering at University. 

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  • GCSE Results Day 2022

    Published 26/08/22

    Excitement has surrounded Corby Technical School today as students celebrated their GCSE results and look forward to their further education plans.

    The students were among the first group to complete exams since the disruption caused by Covid-19.

    Angela Reynolds, Principal at Corby Technical School, said: “I am so proud of each of our students today who have achieved excellent results that are thoroughly deserved. The accomplishments seen today are a real tribute to the incredible work ethic and drive shown across the year group. Celebrations were absolutely in order which I was thrilled to be a part of this morning.

    “Students have faced great obstacles over the last few years and have demonstrated resilience and perseverance throughout their studies despite the turbulence. It is always a pleasure to be part of our student’s journeys as we witness them moving on.”

    Many students will be returning to the school’s Sixth Form, whereas some students have secured apprenticeships in finance, social media, and Engineering. Others have accepted places at various colleges to study Drama, Graphic Design, Law and Criminology, Engineering, and Game Design.

    Mrs. Reynolds added: “Maintaining the same upbeat, determined attitude that has been shown will propel our pupils forward as they take the next steps, and there is no doubt they all have the potential for fantastic, successful futures. I look forward to welcoming many students back to the Sixth Form to begin their A-Level studies and work toward their next steps. I am thrilled to see the rest of the students moving a step toward their life ambitions and wish them every success in their careers.

    “I am grateful to our teachers and school staff who have supported and motivated our students throughout, and a massive thank you to parents and carers for their consistent encouragement.

    “Most importantly, thank you to all our students for allowing us to be part of their journey. We look forward to having you back at Corby Technical School where you can share your successes and inspire our future school leavers.”

    Every teacher and educational staff have enjoyed getting to know our Year 11 and will always be really proud of them.”

    The Corby Technical School Sixth Form provision has been extensively expanded to accommodate a greater range of options for its students this coming academic year.

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  • CTS Cultural Day

    Published 12/07/22

    We have held our first Cultural day in school today, Year 9 student Gretil had the idea of holding this event to give students the opportunity to share their heritage as well as being able to learn about different nationalities.

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  • Spring Bank Holiday

    Published 17/05/22

    School will be closed on the following dates for Spring Bank Holiday and the Platinum Jubilee.

    • Thursday 2nd June – Spring Bank Holiday
    • Friday 3rd June - Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday
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  • Bank Holiday

    Published 14/04/22

    Please be reminded that school will be closed on Friday 15th April (Good Friday) and Monday 18th April (Easter Monday).  We will reopen on Tuesday 19th April.

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  • Reminder: Admissions Fair Banding Assessment Update​​​​​​​

    Published 06/12/21

    The BWT admissions fair banding assessment will not be taking place this year for entry into September 2022 for Brooke Weston Academy, Corby Business Academy, Corby Technical School and Kettering Science Academy.

    Further information can be found in the letter below. If you have any queries, please contact

    For more information  and to view the letter from our CEO, please click here:

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