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28-01 New Club opens up Virtual Worlds

A new after school club is enabling our students to explore virtual worlds and deepen their learning experiences.

A new after school club is enabling our students to explore virtual worlds and deepen their learning experiences.

Our Oculus Club was launched two weeks ago and has given students the chance to use an Oculus Rift virtual reality headset which is used for 3-D gaming.

Our students will now be challenged to create their own virtual reality headset using an iPad and Google Cardboard which they will be able to use to visit new places by accessing a wide variety of apps.

Once the students have placed the completed headsets in front of their eyes they will then be able to explore the place they have chosen to look at by moving their head from side to side or up and down.

Art Teacher Rob Cooper, who runs the club, said: “This technology can be used in lots of different lessons.

“Our students have already used it to explore the solar system in Science and it could be used in Geography lessons to enable them to look at places they are studying or in lessons such as Art to visit museums and galleries.

“In Design and Technology lessons students could create their designs using CAD and then look at the designs in 3-D with this technology. This could be really useful because sometimes when students design things they just design the sides and forget about things like the bases.”

The club meets on Tuesdays and anyone who wants to join should contact Mr Cooper.

To learn more about the Oculus Rift click here

To find out more about Google Cardboard click here

(Mr Cooper is pictured with the Oculus Rift and with a headset he made using Google Cardboard)