Mr Lee is on the SSAT Leadership Legacy Fellows programme
Congratulations to our Assistant Head of Maths, James Lee, who has been accepted onto the prestigious Leadership Legacy Project run by SSAT, the Schools, Students and Teachers network.
He will be part of an impressive group of future education leaders from across the country designated as SSAT Leadership Fellows. Successful Leadership Fellows are all in their first two to four years of teaching and have been selected by their Principals as already showing the potential to become outstanding school leaders.
Involvement in the programme demonstrates commitment by Corby Technical School and SSAT to developing the next generation of system leaders. The impact of this project is very impressive. Leadership Fellows enrolled on last year’s programme have achieved increased leadership responsibilities at an early career stage, through exposure to a wide range of knowledge and information which boosts confidence levels. The activities that the Fellows undertake have impact at classroom and whole school level and bring additional benefits in terms of whole school performance.
James, who has been a teacher for three years, said: ‘At the launch event I loved listening to those who have made really successful careers out of teaching and have gone on, not only to lead schools, but also Multi Academy Trusts. Their passion and excitement was inspirational. There were also talks from those who had been on the course previously. It really brought out their confidence and they got opportunities to shadow leadership teams in other schools.’
As part of the programme participants complete a project where they can show leadership and impact in their own school setting. James said: ‘I started the Student Maths Leaders at CTS, so students could be subject ambassadors at parents’ evenings, assemblies and events. It had a good and positive start but it could be restructured to get more out of it, perhaps by linking numeracy to other subjects, so I may do that as my project.’
Although James is relatively new to the profession, he is undaunted by leadership challenges and has completed a recent project on high attaining students as part of the Brooke Weston Trust’s Aspirant Middle Leader programme. He is also clear about the qualities a good teacher needs: ‘It is about having a productive relationship with students and showing as much commitment to them as I expect in return. It is being passionate about how you explain your subject and making sure that there is stretch and challenge in your classes.
‘SSAT talk a lot about leadership and management working together and what your guiding light is. I am passionate about my job and I want the atmosphere in my classroom to be purposeful and for students to get the most out of every single lesson.’