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Exam success at Corby Technical School

Well done to all the students at Corby Technical School celebrating their A Level exam success.

Here’s details of their achievements and what they are planning to do next:

Kacper is going to study law at the University of Exeter after gaining A grades in English,  media studies and a B in psychology.

He said: ‘Law is something I have always been interested in. I would really like to be a barrister and help people. I have done quite a bit of research on Exeter and am really looking forward to going there. I knew I had got in before I collected my results so I am feeling pretty good!’


Champion archer Iulia, who competes in the GB junior team is going to continue her sport at university as she has been awarded an elite athlete place at Loughborough.

She will study psychology there after gaining an A in Art, Distinction in Sport and Physical Activity alongside her English language and literature qualification.

She said: ‘I was a little worried about the results as I would have had a better idea of what to expect had I taken the exams, however I am pretty happy with my marks. I applied for the elite athlete pathway as it means that I can continue my archery and also study psychology as I am really interested in the brain, how we think and how that affects our behaviour. My two year Sports BETC taught me a lot. I chose Loughborough because it is a really good university, especially for sports. I am continuing my archery training even though all the competition have been cancelled at the moment.’

Aspiring author Mikey is going to study English literature and creative writing at the University of Lincoln after getting A Levels in psychology, English Language and media studies.

He said: ‘Lincoln is a beautiful city and I loved it. I was offered an unconditional place so I wasn’t too worried about the results but I did a lot of growing up over the past four months and I feel like I could have done better had I been able to sit the actual papers.

My course is heavily focused on the creative writing side so there will be a lot of my own work which is really important to me because I am not a massive fan of just reviewing other people’s work. Having my own work sprinkled in it makes it a lot more exciting and variable.

‘I write a lot and I have shared that with English teacher Mrs Brown. I have written a lot, sci fi when I was younger but detective stuff at the minute so I thought I would give it a go. It is about challenging myself and coming up with creative ideas. Ideally I would like to be an author but teaching has always been something that I think I would enjoy. It is really odd to leave Corby Technical School as it feels like a family here so it has been nice to see everyone again on results day.’

Elijah is also going to Lincoln to study architecture after being awarded a B in Engineering and Cs in English and Media.

He said: ‘ To be a licensed architect I will need to do a three part course, and Lincoln offers all three, which means that I can just stick to one university to qualify.  After my three years I will do a job or work experience at an architectural firm and after that, maybe the second part of the course. Ultimately I want to be a house designer and I like the Grand Designs sort of style. I am very happy with my results.’  

Jasmine is celebrating her A in media studies and Bs in English and psychology. She will study English at Queen Mary University of London and wants to go into publishing or journalism.

She said: ‘I am so happy. I wasn’t expecting these grades. Psychology was definitely the hardest subject for me. My studies here have sparked that interest in publishing as we had to study a lot of books and I just know I want to do something in the industry. Queen Mary has a really good reputation for English, so I think it will be very beneficial.’


Tyrell will go on to study engineering at the University of Coventry as his time at Corby Technical School has given him an enquiring mind into how things work. He is celebrating his maths, physics and chemistry A Levels.  

He said: ‘Originally my plan was to do an aerospace engineering apprenticeship but the coronavirus meant that that route was stopped, but Coventry is a good university for engineering and I will have a work placement in my second year.

I realised from Year 7 that engineering is what I like to do and the thing I got the highest grades in.  I loved everything, from electricals to metalwork to woodwork. Everything intrigues me and I want to know how everything is made and put together. I am really going to miss it here.

CTS is a stepping stone to the rest of your life. The teachers care about you and they look for ways to benefit your future and make your time here happy.’



Hannah is going to Nottingham Trent to study biomedical science.



Brennon (grey T-shirt - top photograph) is going to Southampton Solent to study renewable energy engineering.

Stefania (left)  is off to the University of Brighton to do an English language and creative writing degree.


Taylor (right) will be studying Criminology and Investigative Studies at Anglia Ruskin.
Well done to everyone on their exam results and best wishes for the future.

To see a gallery of photographs from the day click here.