Face Masks in Communal Areas.
The safety and wellbeing of our students and staff is always our highest priority.
With effect from Tuesday 30th November, the government has instructed all secondary schools in England to strongly advise the wearing of face masks by students and staff in communal areas in school and on dedicated school transport, unless medically exempt. Students are not required to wear masks whilst in classrooms.
These arrangements are to be kept under review by the government, but until such time as they are lifted, please ensure your child has a mask with them at all times. Our staff would be very grateful for your support as they will be asking students to wear their mask whenever they move around the building and when travelling to and from school by bus.
Please remember all secondary age children should continue to home-test for covid symptoms at least twice weekly and comply fully with our safety and hygiene routines whilst at school. The government continue to encourage all adults and children to get vaccinated.
The full government advice for parents and children can be found here:
Guidance for parents and carers
Thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions about this latest change, please contact your child’s school directly.
Dr Andrew Campbell
Chief Executive