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A-level results day is Thursday 14th August 2025

Below are a number of different web links and content to support you on A-Level results day. 

Useful links and documents - What to do on A-Level Results Day

UCAS Clearing

Click here to access the UCAS Clearing Website

In addition to the main clearing website, this year UCAS have created "Clearing Plus" which can be access via your UCAS hub. This tool can match your original application to courses that are available which may speed up the process of finding suitable courses. Click here for more information on the UCAS Clearing Plus platform. We would recommend you call your preferred universities rather than waiting for a callback. 

Policy regarding requests for reviews

The school will review all students marks against the published grade boundaries on the morning of results day. If you are identified as being very close to a grade boundary, you will be approached by a member of staff to confirm if you would like a review to be submitted to the exam board.

Please note, that if a request for a review is submitted, your mark can go down as well as up.

It is at the discretion of the school as to whether a review should be made. Please contact the exams team ( if you think you'd like your marks reviewed. All reviews are submitted through the school and cannot be made by students or their parents/carers.