Students should study Biology in ways that help them to develop curiosity about the natural world, that give them an insight into how science works and that will enable them to appreciate its relevance to their everyday lives. It should encourage students to be inspired, motivated and challenged by both the subject and its achievements.
The key ideas specific to the Biology content include:
● Life processes depend on molecules whose structure is related to their function
● Living organisms may form populations of single species, communities of many species and ecosystems, interacting with each other, with the environment and with humans in many different ways.
● Life on Earth is dependent on photosynthesis, and the chemicals in ecosystems are continually cycling through the natural world
● The characteristics of a living organism are influenced by its genome and its interaction with the environment and how evolution occurs by process of natural selection and accounts both for biodiversity and how organisms are all related to varying degrees.
Online Learning Resources:
In addition to the links found on the department page, the following links can be used to support revision and learning:
Separate Science BBC Bitesize: Biology:
Combined Science BBC Bitesize:
GCSE Biology Youtube Playlist: