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Through homework we aim to:

  • Equip students with the independent learning skills and self-motivation required for further education and future careers (e.g. meeting deadlines)
  • Consolidate the work covered at school, providing opportunities for independent practice.
  • Give opportunities to reach beyond the core curriculum and explore hinterland knowledge.
  • Engage parental co-operation and create channels for home-school dialogue.

All homework is set via Edulink.


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Weekly Maths and English SPARX homework

Weekly Maths and English SPARX homework.

Weekly Educake Science homework

English - weekly SPARX homework.
Maths - weekly SPARX homework
Science- weekly Educake homework.
History - a mixture of “Read, Watch, Discover,” “Meanwhile, elsewhere,” and knowledge retrieval homework every fortnight.
Geography- Vocab, comprehension and knowledge retrieval homework set 3 times a term (beginning, middle and end of term).

Via their SPARX homework, all KS3 students gain points which contribute to the SPARX leaderboard. Points translate to prizes and students are regularly celebrated for their homework effort.


Students are set homework in all subjects. The frequency of homework is subject specific and information regarding GCSE homework and revision will soon be available via subject specific revision pages.

Further information about SPARX:

Sparx is a homework platform that mixes content from recent lessons and practice of previous material. The questions are bespoke to each student, it uses an algorithm to pitch questions to the correct level of difficulty. It also has ‘nudge’ videos, so that students can refresh their knowledge of a topic if they are struggling.  Please see below the presentation which includes videos about Sparx which are useful to both parents and students.