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Key Stage 4 Options

Choosing your Key Stage 4 options is an important decision, and we want to support every student to make the right choice. It can often feel a daunting process, but we want to reassure you that everyone at Corby Technical School will support students throughout the process.

These pages will help you by giving you information about the courses on offer and how the process works.

The subjects we offer are intended to offer a broad range of choices whilst ensuring you continue to study a balanced curriculum that will leave as many future careers or post-16 study options open to all students. We encourage students to ensure that your choices also offer the opportunity to develop skills beyond those in the core academic subjects, courses in the arts, technology and sport should be considered to give your curriculum additional breadth.

Students will have support and guidance from both pastoral and academic staff who will work with students while they are making these important choices. The support and encouragement parents and carers can provide at this important stage of a child’s education is also critical. We are looking forward to working together to ensure all our students at Corby Technical School are successful.

Please see below a presentation that was given at Options Evening. We hope that you find the information you need here and on this page. If not, please do contact us.

The online options form will be available to complete from Tuesday 12th March 2024. The deadline for completion is Wednesday 20th March 2024.

Options Booklet

Please click here for our options booklet that gives detailed information on each of the subjects on offer.

You can also see the videos recorded by subject specialists by clicking on the subject groups listed in the menu on the right hand side of this page.

Signing up for Options Online

Parent Guidance - Signing up for Options Online

Student Guidance - Signing up for Options Online

If you are having any trouble signing up, please contact making clear that your request is for the Data Manager for support in signing up for Options Online.