Modern Foreign Languages Department
At CTS we aim for all our pupils to be enthusiastic and independent language learners who confidently and spontaneously use the target language to interact between themselves and their teachers and feel motivated to succeed and develop their skills. Pupils engage regularly in active learning, focused on the 3 pillars of phonics, vocabulary and grammar. Engage tasks at the beginning of each lesson also serve to provide regular opportunities to revisit vocabulary, structures, and tenses to strengthen prior learning and provide opportunities for success from the very beginning of each lesson. Students grow in confidence as they progress through the curriculum, which is designed to build, develop and revisit skills and knowledge over time.
When our students learn a foreign language at CTS, we show them how they are developing and refining their analytical skills through applying logic to solving problems; spotting patterns; scanning for information; and working out meaning by using context and any visual clues. They are essentially code breakers, and we encourage them to use their initiative; learn how to be organised and independent in their studies; and show resilience, focus and determination in learning new vocabulary, grammar, phonics and structures. We aim to help them grow in confidence as their communication skills develop, and we work hard to enable them to realise how learning a language will showcase their abilities and reflect so many of our British values. All this we do through passionately delivering engaging lessons with a focus on active learning in a supportive and nurturing learning space. In addition, we explain how learning a new language also deepens their understanding of how English works. We encourage them to apply their knowledge of higher-level English to be able to infer meaning and spot words that are identical, or similar, to English and use it to gain a deeper understanding of grammatical concepts.
As well as this, we are passionate about bringing the rich diversity of Hispanic culture to our students through our Cultural Corner spotlights. We help them to discover the cultural and geographical wonders beyond Corby and Great Britain, which create a rich diversity, whilst at the same time highlighting our many similarities; thus, fostering the British values of respect, tolerance and understanding for others. We encourage our students to have a zest for adventure and discovery, so that they might also enjoy the amazing feeling that being a successful linguist, who is able to meet and communicate with people from other cultures and explore their countries and customs, brings.
In summary, at CTS our language students are learning to constantly apply and refine a whole range of employability skills which are vital to almost all jobs. Alongside this they are encouraged to be independent and spontaneous linguists, who listen and communicate effectively. These are extremely sought after qualities in the world of work. They learn that gaining a qualification in a foreign language gives them an advantage and provides them with a way of demonstrating a whole range of important skills which will serve them well throughout their lives, and are encouraged to become lifelong language learners, foreign travel enthusiasts and ardent hispanophiles.
At KS4, students study Edexcel (1SPO) GCSE Spanish.
Useful Links:
Hello CTS Language Learners!
Here are some websites to help you practise your Spanish. Some are more formal learning sites, and some are based around games, songs, or videos; all to help you fill gaps, consolidate your knowledge, and develop your reading and listening skills! There are also links to Spanish newspapers if you like a challenge!
Have fun, and if you find any more let us know, and we’ll add them to the list!
Duolingo - The world's best way to learn a language
Kahoot! app | Free Kahoot! learning app for iOS and Android
BBC - Learn Spanish with free online lessons
The 100 Most Common Spanish Verbs | SpanishDict with audio to practise pronunciation.
Spanish Grammar Articles and Lessons | SpanishDict
Learn Spanish for Free with Music Videos, Lyrics and Karaoke! ( - Learn Languages Online - Exercises Listening - Fill in the gaps
espanol extra - YouTube A fun TV series for Spanish language learners.
Rockalingua: Spanish Lessons and Learning for Kids
Browse Activities || Conjuguemos
Spain Newspapers : Spanish News Online (
Spanish Newspapers and News Sites for Learners of All Levels (
Play FestiLingo | Free online Spanish language game for KS3 MFL students - BBC Bitesize
Collins Spanish Dictionary | Translations, Definitions and Pronunciations (
Quiz: "confusables" (
Don’t forget that you could change the audio on your favourite DVDs to Spanish (with or without English subtitles!) or add Spanish subtitles to a film that you have streamed. Why don’t you give it a try?