SEND Support
How will you work with families to deliver remote education for pupils with SEND?
The SENDCO will make contact with all students with SEND and will provide bespoke support for any students that need it.
Just like all students, we will be tracking engagement of students with SEND who are working remotely, and if a concern is identified through this, the SEND team will work with teachers and the students' family to offer additional support according to the needs of the child.
We ensure that students with SEND have it carefully explained about how to engage with live lessons. There are also videos provided on the school website that demonstrate the process of engaging with the online platform. Additionally, each student received learning on how to access the Microsoft Teams functionality prior to national lockdown, to ensure familiarity with the system. If necessary, parents/carers and students can be talked through the process by a member of staff.
The SENDCO is available to offer advice to staff, parents and carers with concerns regarding supporting specific students.
How will you meet the needs of students with an EHCP?
Those with SEND may also be contacted by a member of the learning support team. This contact will be weekly as a minimum but some students might need more regular contact to support their learning, the SENCO will risk assess all SEND students that are self-isolating to ensure the appropriate levels of support are available.
Auto-generated subtitles
As much of the delivery now is live on camera lessons within meetings in Microsoft Teams, this can pose a challenge for students who are hard of hearing or who find the interpretation of spoken English difficult. There is now a built-in function within MSTeams that allows you to turn on auto generated captions. For more information on how to enable this click here.
If you require additional support, please contact Mr Chatfield (SENDCO) at: