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Science is a core subject that all students study through to year 11. Students leaving key stage 4 can be compared against each other based on their progress in the core subjects and this can affect progress to sixth form, applications to colleges and even apprenticeships. The level of content that is covered within Science means that most students will leave Corby Technical School with at least two GCSE in Science. As well as having a large amount of subject knowledge to apply and recall, Science focuses heavily on practical skills and the application of the ‘Scientific Method’. These skills, applicable to every day life, focus on the process of turning a thought or idea into a measurable event with conclusions drawn.

Progress within the department is measured through periodic assessments following initial teaching. Intervention is conducted when progress does not meet expectations. At three stages during the year (December, March and June) formal assessments are conducted and standardised across the trust to enable a secure snapshot of ability and progress.

The teaching of Science at Corby Technical School is broken down by year group below:

To see pictures of our students taking part in Science projects and activites click here


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12