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Year 11 Combined Science

Revising in science

Please have a look at some good ways to revise in science.  The link below will give you two main strategies for your revision.  Please also review the video so that you can see how to put these techniques into practice. 

Subject Revision Strategy

 Please follow this link to view the Subject Revision Strategy.

Summer Examinations


1SC0 1BF/H

Combined Biology (Paper 1)


1SC0 2BF/H

Combined Biology (Paper 2)



Combined Chemistry (Paper 1)



Combined Chemistry (Paper 2)


1SC0 – 1PF/H

Combined Physics (Paper 1)


1SC0 – 2PF/H

Combined Physics (Paper 2)

Students have the option to purchase a revision guide, which will aid them in completing revision activities. Students are encouraged to focus on targeted and individual topics during each revision session and ensure their revision is active. These topics have been identified using “Edexcel’s Gap Analysis” which has been completed on all mock exams. Students will be given an understanding of where they have performed effectively and where they have lost marks in their recent exam practice. Activities, outside the ones directed by teachers, which are assigned on “Show My Homework” are creating mind maps, flash cards, knowledge organisers or exam style question practice. Students should also use their revision workbook, along with accessing past papers or question packs through; allowing students to practice application of the knowledge themselves on the topics they have just revised.

To encourage good revision practice, students are provided with past exam papers, and mathematical worksheets, which will have specific questions assigned each week via “Show My Homework”. Additionally, video links will be provided to support revision prior to lesson, allowing time in class to support development of description and explanation skills. These videos will be viewable through “Show My Homework”.              

Once Mocks are finished, students will be provided with a Bespoke revision programme, which will allow them to revise a number of key topics alongside an additional timetable that is set out weekly on “Show My Homework”. These tasks encourage students to use a range of skills such as condensing their understanding into a small writing space or creating visualisations of their understanding through diagrams. When students discover revision techniques that work for them, they should be encouraged to use these techniques as part of their general revision.


Revision guides

If you are unsure whether to buy higher or foundation please email 

Students have the option to purchase a revision guide for use in and out of timetabled lessons.

  • CGP Edexcel Combined Foundation Revision Guide (Covers all 3 topics) - £5.60
  • CGP Edexcel Combined Higher Revision Guide (Covers all 3 topics) - £5.60


  • CGP Edexcel Combined Foundation Workbook (Covers all 3 topics) - £5.60
  • CGP Edexcel Combined Higher Workbook (Covers all 3 topics) - £5.60

Useful links & past papers

Physics and Maths Tutor:

Seneca Learning:

BBC Bitesize: Combined Science:

23 Equations App -

YouTube Videos:

Biology Videos

Combined Physics Paper 1

Combined Physics Paper 2

Combined Chemistry Paper 1

Combined Chemistry Paper 2

Links to Past Papers

Combined Science (Biology) Foundation Tier: June 2018

Combined Science (Biology) Higher Tier: June 2018

Combined Science (Physics) Foundation Tier: June 2018

Combined Science (Physics) Higher Tier: June 2018

Combined Science (Chemistry) – Foundation Tier: June 2018

Combined Science (Chemistry) – Higher Tier: June 2018