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Year 11 Geography

Revision for Geography

Subject Revision Strategy

Please follow this link to view the Subject Revision Strategy

Summer Examinations



Paper 1: Living with the physical environment



Paper 2: Challenges in the human environment



Paper 3:Geographical application

Students are encouraged to focus on individual topics during each revision session and ensure their revision is active. This means creating revision resources such as mind maps and flash cards. Students should then use their revision workbook, as well as accessing past papers through the Corby Technical School website to test themselves on the subject they have just revised.

To encourage good revision practice, students have been provided with a revision pack and plan, which allows them to revise a number of key topics alongside a timetable that is set out weekly on “Show My Homework”. These tasks encourage students to use a range of skills such as condensing their understanding.

Additional Support Sessions

Revision guides

Revision guides are available for purchase on WisePay.

  • GCSE AQA Geography complete revision and practice – £10.99

Useful links & past papers