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Year 13 Chemistry

Summer Examinations


H443/01 Fundamentals of Chemistry



Scientific Literacy in Chemistry
OCR H443/03 Practical Skill in Chemistry

All students have a revision guide, which will aid them in completing revision activities. Students are encouraged to focus on targeted and individual topics during each revision session and ensure their revision is active. These topics have been identified using Find the Gap Analysis, which is completed on all mock exams and homework.  Activities, outside the ones directed by teachers, which are assigned on Show My Homework are creating mind maps, flash cards or knowledge organisers. Students should also use their revision workbook, along with accessing past papers or question packs through; allowing students to practice application of the knowledge themselves on the topics they have just revised.

To encourage good revision practice, students are provided with past exam papers and mathematical worksheets, which will   have specific questions assigned each week via “Show My Homework”. Additionally, video links will be provided to support revision prior to lesson, allowing time in class to support development of description and explanation skills.

At this point, the best revision to complete is past paper questions which are then either self-assessed or teacher-assessed.  This will help you identify any misconceptions.

Additional Support Sessions

The department will be running additional support sessions on a Thursday 3-4pm.

Revision Guides

All students have been given a revision guide for use in and out of timetabled lessons.