Work Experience, External Partners, Careers Guidance and Contact Information
Work Experience:
Work related learning is a fundamental part of the Corby Technical School ethos. We are looking to broaden our students understanding of the world of work. A work experience placement will expand students learning from the classroom into the work environment.
Careers Newletters:
Each term we will share with you our careers updates and information via our newsletters, please find links below to this:
Newsletter - December 2024
Student and Parent Information
What is Work Experience?
Work related learning is a fundamental part of the Corby Technical School ethos. It is a week out of school to allow students to experience what it is really like to go to work each day. Students will be working with different people in a new environment, carrying out a range of tasks with new goals and expectations of them in terms of following instructions, being a team member and being responsible for outcomes in the workplace. As they are set new challenges they will acquire a range of new skills. This experience will help to broaden their understanding of the world of work and expand their learning from the classroom into the work environment.
When can Work Experience take place?
Work Experience takes place during Year 10 and students can participate at any time between Term 1 and Term 4. The school supports and encourages ALL Year 10 students to participate in this unique opportunity, to be part of the world of adult employment and to find a suitable placement.
Why is Work Experience important?
Students will get a taste of what is involved in the workplace. It may help them to decide a career or pathway to follow. Students will be working with other people and carry out a range of new tasks which will help to build their self-confidence. It will enhance a CV or further or higher education applications. Work experience shows that you they are enthusiastic and ready to work hard. Meeting new people and developing contacts could prove a useful reference or provide them with help in the future.
I am a Year 10 student, what do I need to do?
You need to think about the type of work you would like to do and where it is, reliability and punctuality are very important, so make sure you can get there every day, on time. Some students will already know where they would like to go, and in which case, they should be approaching potential employers. If you are unsure about your options and where you could go, you will be able to discuss this further with Shona Lomas, our careers advisor or with your parent/s, carer, tutor or class teachers.
Next Steps
You must personally contact the companies you wish to work for, either by letter, telephone or in person. There is a list of companies who have previously offered Work Experience Placements within school and can be found below. You can download the correct letters and forms for the employers below. You can download your Work experience booklet below, to be completed during your placement.
What do I do once I have found a work experience placement?
Once you have found a placement, please take the Employer Form (found below) into the prospective employer and ask for it to be completed and return to you as soon as possible. Once the form has been completed by the employer and you have your parent/carer form completed, please ensure both copies are given back to Mrs Lomas, Careers Advisor.
What do I need to do if the employer wants an interview before the placement?
Guidance can be found here about how to prepare and what to do at interview. If there are any questions and you require guidance about how to prepare and what to do at interview, please contact the school on 01536 213100.
I am a parent/carer, what do I need to do?
This page explains all about work experience and what needs to be done.
Your child does not have to choose a placement that relates to the job they would like to do when leaving school - it is meant to give an ‘experience’ of work. You can help by encouraging them to select something that they think they will enjoy. Finding a ‘Self Placement’ can be challenging so you could think about possibly going through friends or employers you may know.
Parent/Carer Guide and Work Experience Forms
External Partners
At CTS we welcome all external partners input into the careers pathway of our young people. If you are interested in offering support and want to find out more please make contact with our careers advisor Mrs Shona Lomas.
This activity is intended to be one of work experience/work shadowing and students are classed as employees for health and safety purposes. This means employers owe a duty of care to the student, just as they do to any employee. No additional insurance is require, we do however require the public liability insurance details. The goal is to make the week worthwhile for every student.
Employer Information
Why you should consider working with the school and our young people:
- Inspire tomorrow's workforce, which will broaden career options/aspirations.
- Impart your experience, knowledge and expertise to others.
- Help others to understanding the structure of your business and the career possibilities that exist within it.
- Develop new skills to assist your employees' career progression such as team leading, presenting, communicating, organising, etc.
- Assist recruitment and retention plans - engaging with future talent.
- Motivate employees and promote corporate social responsibility (CRS).
- Highlight employability skills, helping to make young people work ready.
Examples of the types of activity and engagement your company could provide:
- Work place visits/work experience placements/job shadowing
- Careers Fairs/Events
- Career talks
- Employer mentoring
- CV building
- Job roles and definitions – skill building and alignment
- Supporting specific curriculum led activities such as Product Design, Business Studies, ICT
- Mock interview sessions
- Enterprise activities such as Business Dragons
- Work related workshops
Employer FAQs (Frequently asked questions)
FAQs (Frequently asked questions)
Work experience takes up lots of my time and there are lots of forms to fill in
There are no forms required by law. Most of the processes (risk assessments, insurance etc.) you have already gone through.
What about health and safety – don’t I have to do special risk assessments?
In most cases, no. If you already employ a young person under the age of 18 then you should have already considered the risks that impact on a young person when you completed your risk assessments as part of ensuring your employees work safely, so nothing else should be needed. If you have not employed a young person before then you will have to review your risk assessment to identify if there are any specific risks which could arise for a young person in your business, taking into account things relevant to a young person such as age, relative lack of maturity or experience.
I’ll have to take out extra insurance and that will cost me
Not true – you will be covered through your Employer’s Liability Insurance and should not have to pay more. It is good practice to inform your insurer that you have a work experience student on your premises, but it’s unlikely you’ll be required to pay any extra premium.
I’ll have to ensure all my staff have DBS checks
Not true – there is no legal requirement to have staff DBS checked and whether a check of a staff member should be carried out will depend on the circumstances. You should consider whether a check is needed on a member of staff who has specific responsibility for supervising a student (rather than simply working alongside a student), especially where the work experience is long-term or the student is under 16 or vulnerable for another reason.
Work experience doesn’t make a difference – so what’s the point?
Yes it does! In today’s job market employers like you look for young people who are ready for work. A work experience placement is the best way of beginning to learn what employers look for and can be inspirational for the student. All surveys of work experience are positive about the benefits.
What’s in it for me? What are the benefits for employers?
You get a new pair of hands for a short period. You get to look at a possible new employee and your staff working with the student get to develop their supervisory skills and learn more about young people – customers of the future! You are also giving something back to the community, and giving young people a chance.
What should I do if the student does not turn up?
Please contact the school if the students fails to turn up if they are one hour later than the agreed start time. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THE SCHOOL KNOWS THE WHEREABOUTS OF ALL STUDENTS AT ALL TIMES.
Here are some of the companies we have engaged with this year:
Our careers policy can be found by clicking here.