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Year 11 Spanish

Revision for Spanish

Subject Revision Strategy

Please follow this link to view the Subject Revision Strategy

More tips on How to Revise Spanish can be found here

Summer Examinations



Paper 1 – Listening



Paper 2 – Speaking



Paper 3 – Reading



Paper 4 – Writing

Exam Preparation

The Edexcel course is made up of several topics (e.g., holidays, cultural life, school) which are grouped into 5 themes:

  • Theme 1 – Identity and Culture
  • Theme 2 – Local area, holiday and travel
  • Theme 3 – School
  • Theme 4 – Future aspirations, study and work
  • Theme 5 – International and global dimension

During the Speaking exam students will conduct a role play, a picture description with associated questions, and two conversation sections, all drawn from a different theme each. Students need to choose one of the above themes to focus on for their first speaking conversation. The second conversation theme and themes for the other sections will then be allocated to them individually by the exam board. They are allowed to speak initially for up to one minute before questions begin, and it is essential that they prepare this topic, plus all the other possible topics included within that theme. It is also vital that the other 4 themes are also prepared thoroughly in readiness.

They have a printed speaking booklet (which is also on Teams) with suggestions of possible questions to aid them in this preparation, and support during lesson times and in intervention sessions.

Students need to ensure that their revision is active by using technique that require recall (e.g., writing or saying without looking; look cover, write, check). This also means creating revision resources such as mind maps and flash cards. Students should then also use online resources where possible to practise revision tasks, vocabulary and grammar, through online resources such as Quizlet and BBC Bitesize.

To encourage good revision practice, students have been provided with a booklet for each skill: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, (also on Teams) which allow them to revise the topics within each theme. These tasks encourage students to use a range of skills such as comprehension, role plays, photo cards, giving opinions, and using tenses and translation. Where students find revision techniques work for them, they should be encouraged to use these techniques as part of their general revision.

Additional support materials such as the 25 Keys sheet, Knowledge Organiser grammar and vocabulary sheets plus other documents have been posted in Files on Teams.


Use this QR code or click here to learn how to achieve a higher grade in the Edexcel GCSE Spanish speaking exam.

Revision guides

All students have been given printed booklets for revision for use in and out of timetabled lessons.

If your child would like an additional revision guide, they are available for purchase on WisePay.

  • Pearson Edexcel GCSE Spanish revision guide
  • Pearson Edexcel GCSE Spanish revision workbook

The guide and workbook can only be purchased through Wisepay as a pair for £5.50

In addition - the Spanish department have made this useful resource to aid you with your revision! Click here to view. 

Support sessions

The department will be running additional support sessions on Tuesday evenings at 4:00pm until 5pm. In addition, students will have scheduled intervention sessions during tutor time from term 4.

Useful links & past papers